Monday, June 29, 2009

monday morning

Another Monday is upon us. Seemed like starting the week with a post would be a good idea.

Over the weekend, we took the girls to a place called Berry Patch Farms. It is an actual working farm where you can pick certain items when in season. So we picked strawberries and had a wonderful time. The girls enjoyed all of the roosters running around, as well as a very large, pot bellied pig.

The rest of the weekend was slow, and I think the girls are going a little stir crazy. I have to find more time with them in the evenings to do some things away from the TV. Unfortunately, I am not home a whole lot this week due to my schedule. I will find a way to make it work regardless.

Time to get busy on my day and stop procrastinating.

One more note: notice Penny's wonderful red hair. It washed out in the pool yesterday, so now it is just slightly pink.

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