Friday, July 09, 2010


Back to the blog. For the last week we have had Crystals sister and family in town. Much activity in a few short days. The studio has also been crazy, so I have not had time to post.

The two older girls left with the extended family to stay in Arizona with their grandparents for a few weeks. Not fun for the littlest who did not get to go. I had no idea how much she would miss her sisters, she literally cried for two days straight. I feel terrible for her, but it makes me happy to know they are so close. She has horse camp next week, so I think she will rally around.

For the garden, the weather has been ridiculous. We went from upper 90's to low 60's. Nothing knows what to do. Everything looks a little stunted. On a positive, the cucumbers are finally taking off, as well as many, many sunflowers. Crystal had to replant due to some bad seeds. We also finally have apples on our Granny Smith tree. We've had the tree for about six years with nothing, but this year we have had success. Pie is in our future.

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