Monday, July 06, 2009

back from the weekend

I took the weekend off from everything work related. Very needed, although I did not get the reading done that I should have.

We had a wonderful 4th. Many friends turned out and seemed to enjoy themselves. They particularly liked the Sugar Fairies cake they had prepared. The food coloring was a bit pastel, not so red, white and blue, but it worked.

For Sunday, we spent the day at the arts festival here in Denver, which is always nice. The weather was beautiful, and it was the first time I remember it not being blazingly hot and miserable. The girls had a lot of fun, and the oldest showed no sign of anxiety for such a large crowd. Two years ago, she had such a panic attack at the festival that we had to leave. This was much nicer.

Preparing for a trip to San Francisco tomorrow. I still don't have any travel arrangements, waiting for the information to come - this drives me crazy. I'm not the best at relaxing and letting things run their course.

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