So, I have started writing again. I am finally actively looking for a publisher for my Mabel and Bear story. I have sat on it for far too long, honestly because I fear rejection. This is stupid, because I face rejection everyday in my job, but this is much more personnel. In any case, the shopping around and rejection letter process shall begin.
In other news, Paige has started her high school career, a bit rocky but she is pushing through it. Penny continues to do Penny like things. Generally being happy and finding the world an amazing place. Abby is Abby. Hopefully she will use all of her powers for good.
In our house Monday night has become poetry night. We have stacks of poetry books and everyone takes a turn ready one. We are also encouraged to write our own. Here is one of mine from a few weeks ago.
The animals have escaped from their books.
Boars and bears have crawled down from the shelves,
and are taking up residence in the corners of the room.
The giraffes have headed into the garden,
and the birds have flown away.
The books have been trampled and torn. Monkeys are pulling out their pages,
feeding them to the hippo behind the couch,
who eats them greedily, chomping and smacking.
The stories will never be the same without the animals to fill their pages.
Just bits of color and broken text.